- How to Choose the Right Toddler/Preschool Nap Mat
- Nap Time Ritual
- New Organic Nap Mat Styles
- Non toxic Organic Preschool Nap Mat
- Organic Baby Blanket
- Organic Burp Cloths - Security Blankets
- Organic Cotton Toddler Pillow
- Organic Designs - Nap Mats are Here
- Organic Designs - Organic Nap Mat Photo Shoot
- Organic Nap Mat Sale
- Organic Nap Mats - Great for Vacationing too!
- Organic Nap Mats - New Collection
- Organic Nap Mats - Working Mom
- Organic Nap Mats on
- Organic Toddler Comforter
- Organic Toddler Pillow
- Our Organic Nap Mats - Why Special
- Preschool Nap Time- Organic Nap Mats
- Summer Routine Changes - Toddler and Preschool
How to Choose your Toddler/Preschool Nap Mat?
We, like many other parents, have been faced with the question "How do we choose the right toddler/preschool nap mat for our children?" There are many factors to consider in choosing the right nap mat for your children. First of all, and most important of all, because they are going to sleep on it every day at school for several hours at a time, they have to be healthy. There should be no off gassing, polyester toxins or chemicals in the nap mat. After reading extensively about the chemical washing with fire retardants, we have also found out that...